KMMP multipurpose mobile medical chair



Best solution for rehabilitation facilities, geriatric and nursing centers, procedure, facial, ultrasonographic rooms, etc.

practical central brake secures safe patient conditions and easy personnel manipulations

individual and assisted leg section and dorsal tilt adjustment

701.100 KММP-01 – «Help»* function and leg section adjustment by patient

701.101 KММP-02 –  leg section adjustment by patient, «Help»* function excluded
701.102 KММP-03 – «Help»* function and leg section adjustment by patient excluded
* «Help» function- simultaneous chair seat and back forward tilt
  • best solution for rehabilitation facilities, geriatric and nursing centers, procedure, facial, ultrasonographic rooms, etc.
  • practical central brake secures safe patient conditions and easy personnel manipulations
  • individual and assisted leg section and dorsal tilt adjustment
Safe working load 160 kg
Weight 90 kg